I dreamed up this project a little under a year ago when we moved into our new space. This giant blank wall needed a statement piece and since our renters requested the pipe shelf entertainment center that Josh built stay with the old house, we didn’t have anything. Back then, there was really only one tutorial on how to do something like this, but dang it was a good one. Search for the “Whitney Hansen how to build a fireplace in one weekend” series on YouTube. But it’s a big project and a lot to think through. Over our nearly 7 years of marriage, I’ve learned that the more tutorials I send Josh, the more confident he is to start a project; but there really was only that one good tutorial for a long time. Thankfully for some reason, in the last few months, it seems like EVERYONE has been building out electric fireplaces, and I was able to send him three bloggers posts detailing their builds. Chris Loves Julia, Nesting with Grace, and The Blooming Nest. All three have excellent detailed posts about how to do this, so I’m not really going into a detailed “how to” here on this blog, just sharing our journey. Six months ago Josh took several of my chicken scratch drawings into sketch up, confirmed it was something we could pull off, and then we waited to save up for this project and finish a few others. But… then Jett learned how to (and learned that he LOVED to) turn the volume all the way down and the TV off several dozen times a day; because he realized he could reach the buttons and that sort of sped up our timeline. So, our thanksgiving break was spent with bit of time at Home Depot and a lot of time in the garage, but alas, it’s done. I love it even more than I thought I would.
In order to allow for a cable box (something we don’t plan on having, but doesn’t hurt to prepare for) or an XBOX1X (which the handy builder is getting for Christmas) we added an open box behind the tv that has power and cable run to it. It wouldn’t work well for something that you need access to frequently like a dvd player, but works great for what we have planned. Also, the baseboards were put back, I’m just impatient when it comes to taking pictures.
This is the fireplace that we ordered on Amazon, it’s really the expensive part of the whole project. The lumber, shiplap, lattice trim, and wood for the mantle is all from home depot. The whole project including the $600 fireplace came out to just around $1,000. It helped that we had all the tools we needed: Finish nail gun and air compressor, miter saw, table saw, etc.
Edit: Added pictures of the inset Box for commenter, Michael. Electrical is pigtailed off of an outlet below, hidden behind the fireplace structure the cable line is continued from below as well.
P.S. If you do end up building something like this, I would love to see it! Please tag me on Instagram: @adoramae
P.P.S. About 18 months later and this post is the most popular one on my blog by far and since we’re about to move out of this house, I wanted to post some updated photos. (Below) You can see it’s held up beautifully except for some paint touch up needed at the bottom where my kids are constantly scratching at and “vrooming” hot wheels cars across it. We added floating shelves on either side that are just 2×10 pine boards stained to match the mantel and farmhouse style brackets from Home Depot. A big comfortable chair on one side and ever affordable IKEA LÄTT kids table that we also stained and chalkboard painted to match. I’ve loved having this fireplace on everyday and I’ve LOVED seeing so many of the fireplaces y’all have built inspired by this one. Thank you for stopping by!
Where do you put all the electronics when the tv is on the wall? The sound bar? Things that need a direct visual connection between the remote and the receiver? I can’t figure that out. Thanks.
Jill, everything that we keep in the box behind the TV uses a RF (radio frequency) style remote so it doesn’t have to be visible for the remote to control it. If your electronics use an IR (infrared remote) – then you’d need to keep them visible to control the remote.
Hi, sorry if I’m overlooking this but I was curious as to the size of your tv and the overall width of the fireplace?
Thank you
The TV is 60” – the whole fireplace itself is just over 6 feet wide.
I love this!!! I also love the side chair! Do you remember where you got that by chance?
I got it from Wayfair, but I bought it in early 2016 and it’s not available at the same link anymore. It was a really reasonably priced chair and a half rocking chair that I had in our nursery. When we moved it into the living room, we took the rocking legs off and added tapered legs.
43 1/4” from the ground to the bottom of the mantle that’s made with 1×6” pine.
We’ve since moved and left the TV for my parents who moved in after us, so I can’t measure it, but I will say – it’s very high. TV height has never bothered me but my husband would comment that it was too high. But for that look and that season of life in a house filled with toddler boys yielding sticks and seemingly having something to prove – I was thankful it was so high up. Lol
My classical retired parents who live there now have a reclining couch in that space so I’m sure that Angel helps with any eye strain.
Hope that helps!
I love your rug! Any idea where u got it?
It’s from Amazon! It’s the SAFAVIEH Monaco Collection https://a.co/4j3IfSr
Great project, got a fireplace already so I might find a monitor that displays an aquarium instead
That sounds fun!
Were you able to get the corner pieces from home Depot that you used at the end of the shiplap?
Yep! They’re from Home Depot – just standard lattice trim.
Hi! I was wondering how did you do the corner? Is it PVC moulding corner? Thank you
It’s just two pieces of pine lattice trim/mounding butted up against each other at the corners.
Could you tell me how height the mantle is from the floor. We can’t decide and we have 8 foot ceilings.
What material is the finish product?
These are 9’ ceilings and the mantle is close to but not exactly at 5’ up from the ground.
How are you wall looks great, what size fireplace is that you guys used ?!
Hi Adora,
Absolutely love this project!! We are starting our project tomorrow. What paint color is your wall? We are trying to coordinate the blackout shiplap color with the back wall.
Thank you!
Yure, oh yay! I can’t wait to see your build! Please tag me on Instagram! The house paint Subtle Touch by BEHR in Interior Eggshell. (Home Depot)
Have fun building!
Will do!!! Thank you!!
How is the distance between the heater and the tv, please?
Do you know how long the back wall is for proportion reference? We love this look!
This is the best DIY of this project I’ve seen so far. Is your fireplace the kind that has vents in the top, and if so was there room in your design for some space? Also, what software did you all use for the sketches?
Thanks Tim! This fireplace has vents at the top of the glass (the glass tilts back at the top) and the heat blows down from there. It’s meant to be set in this way. I like it because it’s the least obvious electric fireplace on the market in my opinion.
The software is Google sketchup.
How do you mount the tv to this? How does it not fall off without being in studs?
Jess, we placed the two vertical 2×4’s (on either side of the cable box cubie) where the tv mount bolts in for extra strength, but the shiplap itself is solid pine, so I would bet it could hold a TV & mount on its own just fine.
Love this and definitely inspired me to build something similar! It looks like your side frames are not sitting on the front of the ledger boards, and instead, sitting beside them? Did you use side joinery (like pocket holes) or just screws on an angle to attach it?
On all the other tutorials I have seen, the side frames were always is screwed into the ledger board (from the front) and the ledger boards are screwed into the studs
Mike, that back 2×4 horizontally against the wall, while in studs, isn’t actually a ledger board, it’s serving more of a spacer purpose to keep everything square. But yes it also is connected to the vertical frames via angled screws. Our vertical side panels that are also against the wall are in studs, we built this whole thing to make sure we hit studs as often as possible. This whole thing isn’t floating, it’s resting on the ground, so that also provides strength to the build.
Hi! I’m so glad I found your tutorial! I want to do this so badly but my husband is a gamer. Yours is the only tutorial I’ve found with a solution for consoles! Thank you! Do you have any recommendations for how to incorporate a sound bar?
Oh yay! Not really any ideas for sound bars, we had one for a few days sitting on the mantle bud I hated seeing the cord. You could mount it the face of the fireplace directly under or over the tv.
I’m sorry if I missed this .. But, I’ve been looking for a electric fireplace insert with hidden controls as well as with the stainless steel front. Can you please provide a link for yours. Thank you for taking the time. I’m getting ready to start my cut sheet!
Fabulous Build!
Susan Jean, sure! It’s linked above but maybe it’s broken. The fireplace is called a touchstone audioflare 50” stainless with Bluetooth. Here’s a link to Amazon, but you can also find it at small fireplace businesses if you have one in your area. https://amzn.to/3tXVcO7
What did you use to remove the two logos on the fireplace?
I used a hair dryer to loosen the glue a bit and a small plastic scraper. Then goo gone for the substance left behind. It just takes patience and persistence.
Hi I was wondering what stain color you used for the mantle?
Amber, I use a prestain wood conditioner. Then I wipe on classic gray by minwax, wipe it off right away, then do the same thing with american walnut by rustoleum.
Can you please tell me what kind of wood you used for your mantle
Ellesse, we used select pine 1×6 boards
Hi! What stain did you use for the mantle? It looks great!!
I use a prestain wood conditioner. Then I wipe on classic gray by minwax, wipe it off right away, then do the same thing with american walnut by rustoleum. It’s a combination I came up with years ago based on what I had on hand and now it’s on woodworking projects all over our house.
Just wondering how you made the openings in the shiplap?
I’m doing something similar want wanted to know how to make the cuts for the fireplace and electric outlets.
We left those areas open and cut our shiplap around the opening.
Just curious how you mounted the mantle to the wall. I don’t see any 2×4 sticking out to screw them to.
Aaron, After we painted we mounted a 2x to the front. Then the beam mantle frame surrounds it and we finish nailed to secure it to the two-by.
Do you remember how high from the floor the mantle was installed? We are doing this project and have the same ceiling heights. Love your look!
43 1/4” from the ground to the bottom of the mantle that’s made with 1×6” pine. Hope that helps!
What color stain did you use on the mantle?
Somer, I use a prestain wood conditioner. Then I wipe on classic gray by minwax, wipe it off right away, then do the same thing with american walnut by rustoleum. It’s a combination I came up with years ago based on what I had on hand and now it’s on woodworking projects all over our house.
Beautiful design – my compliments. This looks perfect for a 29-foot exterior wall that I have been struggling to figure out how to put in a 50″ electric fireplace with 60 inch TV locating in the center of the “room” in an open plan split between two “rooms”.
Two Questions: What program did you use to layout the framing plan? What did you do with the electronics? (I have a Cable DVR, DVD, Roku, Xbox, and soundbar, are all items I need to manage common surround installs!)
We only had an Xbox so that’s what the little compartment behind the TV is, but since you’re building from scratch, you could always just make multiple openings behind the TV or even run cables behind the shiplap to built in cabinets on the side. Whatever meets your needs! The program is called Sketchup and I’ve linked to the specific file in other comments here. It might give you a jumping off point.
Can’t wait to see what you build!
Ahhh I know this is an older blog but we are starting our fireplace next week and would love to know what size shiplap you used and color of paint! I’m not sure where all this links are.. I’m only able to see the fireplace insert link. Please let me know!
Makenna, the paint is blackout by BEHR in flat/matte. The shiplap is the pre-primed 5-1/4” pine shiplap that my local Home Depot always has in stock. I hope you enjoy the build! Please tag me on Instagram if you post! Would love to see it!
Love this! How high is your mantle from the ground?
43 1/4” from the ground to the bottom of the mantle that’s made with 1×6” pine. Hope that helps!
I was so inspired by your fireplace and I couldn’t find anyone to help me so I decided to do it myself.
I used a piece of black walnut from a tree in my parents yard and made it into a bench under the fireplace and I took a beam from our old barn for the mantel.
I didn’t want to see the tv so I covered it with a picture and put hinges on it to open and close.
Thank you for such great instructions!
Daaaaaang Steph!!! Amazing! I’m so proud of you! Would love to see what you made if you want to DM me on Instagram!
Amazing! How did you attach the frame to the wall? Did you attach the TV mount over the shiplap? I apologize if I missed these answers.
We used long screws that went through the shiplap into the 2×4 frame we built for the fireplace. The shiplap we used is pine though, so I’m sure it would be sturdy enough to hold a TV, but we tend to be overly cautious.
I’m currently researching how to do this in my house and I have LOVED your blog. You’ve answered so many questions so I’m sorry to bug you again, but I’m not seeing the answer I came for. I know there’s supposed to be space for the air and hear to vent from the fireplace. How did you plan for the airflow? Are there any fire or safety concerns? Thank you I’m advance for your time!
How did you mount the mantle to the shiplap ?
Kevin, we screwed a 2×6 directly to the front of the fireplace (that we cut some height off of so it would snuggly fit inside the box beam mantle) and then covered it with the box beam mantle we made and used a finish nail gun to permanently secure that box to the 2×6.
Hi can you tell me where you got your ship lap?? And what exactly is it called? Did you paint it or did it come black?
Adrianna, we got it at Home Depot. Our local store always has it in stock. It’s pine and came primed (white prime), we painted it black ourselves. It’s called “Pine Nickel Gap Ship Lap Board” on the Home Depot website.
How tall are your ceilings for this project… Im looking to do something similar but have 8ft ceilings and not sure how it would look.
Eric, these are 9ft ceilings.
Hello again! We are starting our fireplace this week. I had just a couple more questions. Can you give me the the measurements from the floor to the bottom of the fireplace? From the floor to the top of the mantle? From the floor to the hidden black box? And from the floor to the tv mount? Thank you ahead of time! I’m super excited for this project can’t wait to share with you the end result!
Marissa, sorry o haven’t replied! We actually moved so I’ve been waiting on the new tenants to send me those details you’ve asked for. I’ll let you know when I get them.
They said the shiplap is 5 1/4” you can count the rows of shiplap between the floor and fireplace. Then again for the mantel and TV. That should give you the measurement your looking for.
Lucy, thanks for doing that. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to your comment. I’ll get those measurements when I can. I will say generally speaking that the TV is mounted high and we talked about being worried it was too high. It took like a week to get used to. Our TV Mount tilted the tv down slightly so that part helped.
Hello. My name is Rebecca. I saw this on Pinterest and am having a guy build it for me. I don’t have access to your link. I see that your TV is 60″ and your fireplace is 50″. I was wanting to know size of ship lap and overall size and measurements between fireplace and TV. Also is your TV Plasma?
Hey Rebecca, sorry for the slow reply. Are the links in the post not working for you? I’m working on an imagine with the finished sizes and distances displayed for some other readers, I’ll hopefully get that up soon.
Also, no, our TV is just 4K.
Do you happen to have the sketch up file still for this ?
OKel, I’ll see if my husband can get it. He was using an outdated version of sketchup and can’t seem to link to it. I’ll see if I can upload it here as a file as soon as I can.
Did your specific fireplace come with the stainless surround, or did you do that yourself for safety reasons?
Robin, the stainless surround comes with the fireplace.
Love this idea!!! My fireplace insert has the controls and heat vent on top. Where your the controls on yours??
The controls are hidden under the top of the stainless steal. The heat blows down from there onto the glass. It’s the only inset electric fireplace I found with buttons hidden this way and I felt like it made it look more real like a modern gas insert.
Hi there! Love this project! Looking at the sketch up it’s hard to tell how many I inches from the ground the bottom of the fireplace actually is. Are you able to confirm how many inches it is?
Esme, from the floor to the bottom of the stainless steel surround of the fireplace is about 13” but from the floor to the bottom of the opening we cut for the opening that holds the fireplace is closer to 17/18”. I hope that helps!
Hi sheila I just read this post, would you mind sharing your final result :// Im, in need of motivation to attempt it and I would love this so much
Hello Adora, love the fireplace!
Is it possible to post the sketchup file so I can play with dimensions please?
Igor, sorry I took forever to respond! My husband is having trouble with sketchup right now but I will see if I can get the entire file uploaded here on WordPress. We’re in the midst of moving so it might be a few weeks.
Hello Adora Mae-
I love this fireplace! and cannot wait to build it in my home. I was not able to download the sketch up for the dimension of frame, and cable box is there another way to get the details on this?
The width of the whole fireplace is a bit over 6 feet. There are some dimensions listed on an image above. For the cable box we just built to the size we needed (we use an Xbox in there since we don’t have cable) . I recommend measuring your current cable box and making sure your little cubby is large enough to meet your needs. That’s the best part of DIY, you can build it to your exact needs! I hope that helps.
I can vaguely see most of the measurements. The measure from the floor to the bottom on the fireplace what is that measurement? What is the measurements from the floor to the mantle? Sorry for all the questions thank you also for all the details it’s very appreciated
Marissa, the sketchup images with detailed measurements are now linked to higher res versions of the image. I hope that helps!
This is lovely! Is there any way to get a clearer picture of the measurements?
Sheila, let me see if I can post a higher resolution photo.
Thanks. Im done building it.
Would love to see it! If you post it on Instagram please tag me! @adoramae
Hi sheila I just read this post, would you mind sharing your final result :// Im, in need of motivation to attempt it and I would love this so much
What did you use to do the measurements? An app or computer program?
Jake, The rendering pictured above was made using sketchup.
Sheila, the images with measurements on them are now linked to higher res copies.
Where did you hide your cable box?
Crestal, we don’t have an actual cable box, but we have an XBOX in the cubby/box we created inset in the fireplace structure. It’s in the photos. We ran the cable outlet to that box in case future owners wanted traditional cable.
Great project, thanks so much for sharing! Also, really love that rug! Do you happen to know the name of it?
Tazneem, I love our rug. It’s Safavieh Monaco Collection available on amazon. Here the link: https://rb.gy/26stfr
What software did you use to draw the plans above? We are doing something similar (pretty much exactly) to yours but a little bigger so I want to layout the plans with the new dimensions.
Jessica, that’s just google sketchup. It’s somewhat complicated but there are a lot of tutorials online. My husband has used it for years so he always wants to sketch it up in that program before we start building.
Thank you. I had just logged on to it this morning, so good to know I ma on the right path. Any chance you can share what you already did?
Jessica, sure. Here’s a link to his design. I hope it helps! https://bit.ly/3gQA713
What a great looking piece! Love your idea
Thank you, Sylvia!
Hello I see you put the link in to which shiplap you used from Home Depot. I am serious how many boards were bought/used? Also did you have to do two coats of paint or just one? How far out did you come on the sides?
Hi Brie, the whole fireplace comes out a little over a foot. We bought about 35 planks and had 2 of 3 left over. We did two coats of paint.
Do you have a link for the ship lap you used?
Jessica, here’s the link. It’s the only primed shiplap that Home Depot carries in stock near me. Comes in various lengths.
Hello! I was just wondering how you built your mantel? Or did you purchase one? Thank you!
Sarah, we bought some one by boards and cut almost all the sides on a 45° angel and built a cube with those pieces, leaving one side flat and open. Then we attached a 1×6 directly to the fireplace front and slid the cube we built over that, securing it to the 1×6 with finishing nails. They do sell these kinds of things online and they look beautiful but DIY is always going to be much cheaper and you’ll be able to stain to your exact needs.
That is what we figured you did, but I had to comment and ask. We are going to go that route too, so much cheaper! Thank you for the response
Of course! I would love to see what you make! Please tag me if you post it on Instagram! @adoramae
Hi there! How did you attach the mantel pieces together? I love the mitered look but can’t seem to find many examples of how to DIY this. Thank you!
Liesel, wood glue & clamps and a brad nailer. You’ll either need an airless nailer or a nail gun & compressor. Then you can sand the edges if you want it to be a bit softer and put stainable wood filler in the seams & little holes made by the nails. Sand again, then stain.
Can you think of any reason this would not work on an outdoor porch? Mine is roofed but not screened and this would go on exterior porch rail area to create a “wall” extending from floor to ceiling. Would the electric fireplace be damaged by moisture/humidity?
RM, this would TOTALLY work outside BUT only if you get an indoor/outdoor electric fireplace insert which they do make (check on Amazon) and it would look awesome! Most electric fireplaces couldn’t handle the wet, even under a covered porch, I’d be worried about the electrical. I hope you build it and send me pics on Instagram!
Just wondering how you hung your TV? The TV mount bracket would have to be screwed either into studs or into the piece of wood that is screwed into the studs and the bracket arms would have to stick out past the faux wall. I don’t really see that with the cable box there.
Hey Alex, so the TV mount does stick out/off of the faux wall/fireplace. It goes into studs because we bought the TV mount first and designed our 2×4 framing so we knew we would be able to attach the TV mount into studs. The tv mount sits above a foot above the cable box opening/cubbie. You can’t access the cable box opening/cubbie without taking the TV off the TV mount. The TV sticks out, off the faux/fireplace wall by 2-3 inches. I hope that helps clarify. Thanks!
So is the TV mount screwed into the wall, or into the faux wall frame that you built? I’m sorry. I’m just have difficulty visualizing it in my head.
No worries! It’s mounted into the faux wall/fireplace frame. The faux wall/fireplace frame is about a foot deep from the interior house wall behind it.
Oh also, the TV mount we have only has up and down tilt, so it doesn’t have bulky arms that let you pull the TV away from the wall so that keeps the TV a bit closer to the wall, but it does still stick out a bit.
What did you use to make the cable box?
Kaleigh, just a nice smoothP pine board in the depth we needed. I think that you can usually find up to 12” wide at most Home Depot’s and up to 16” at most Lowe’s.
Did you use liquid nails or a nail gun when installing the shiplap?
Adrian, just a finish nail gun.
What about the mantle? What size wood did you use?
Adrian, we used 1×6 pine and just cut all the edges to 45°
Beautiful!! I have one question: what kind of black paint did you use for the shiplap? Thanks!
Rayma, it’s blackout by behr in ultra interior flat/matte. From Home Depot.
This is beautiful!!! Just one question. Is the heater vent inside the wall? Can it still be used if it’s in the wall and not exposed? I just built mine and I’m scared to use the heater setting since it’s mounted inside. Thanks in advance:)
Thanks Azo! This unit is designed to be inserted in a wall the way it is, you should definitely only install electric fireplaces the way they instruct. There’s basically two kinds of electric fireplaces; wall mount and insert. This one blows heat down out of the top where the glass ends. If you have the right type installed, don’t be afraid! Just don’t leave it on unattended. Enjoy your fireplace!
What is lattice trim? Is that what you used on the corners? Where did you purchase it or did you make it? Your fireplace is beautiful, it’s exactly what we are doing for ours. Thank you for sharing your talents!
Vicki, lattice is what you sometimes see covering the big open areas below decks, it comes in big woven 4×8 panels and the thin pieces of wood form little diamonds or squares. Lattice trim (also called lattice moulding) is simply those thin slices of pine wood sold on their own. Home Depot has them, usually near the other kinds of trim work. Sometimes they’ll have it made of pvc rather than pine, but ours is pine. It’s very inexpensive, less than $1 per linear foot. It’s much thinner than any other piece of finished wood you can buy and yes, it’s what we used to trim out our fireplace. If you can go into Home Depot (after the pandemic is over of course) and ask someone, they should know what lattice trim is, also their website should tell you if they have it in stock or not.
Thank you!!
Did you have to caulk between the lattice pieces on the front corners?
Elizabeth, We didn’t, I didn’t mind the way it looked, but wood filler where they meet would probably give it a cleaner finish.
Awesome!! And I especially love that you respond so quickly to readers’ comments. So helpful for those of us looking to others and their DIY projects. Thank you!
I totally hate when I ask for more information on blogs and hear nothing. Happy to help!
How much did this project cost?
Jenna, it was just under $1000 in the end, including the $600 electric fireplace insert.
What program did you use to draw up the design ?
Paul, that’s google sketchup
Can you link the actual fireplace you got?
Candace, it’s linked above with the words “the fireplace we ordered on Amazon” but here’s the link again if it’s not working for you: https://amzn.to/3bf8Uns
Hi Adora,
Was just wondering if you ran a dedicated electrical circuit to your fireplace when building this or if you just used an existing outlet you already had? If you used an existing outlet, do you have any issues with the breaker tripping? Thanks!
Nope, we just used an existing outlet and haven’t had any issues with it Tripping at all.
How big is the TV that you hung?
Angelina, it’s a 60” Vizio
So we are looking to have a fire place built. My question is there a way to get to the cable cords etc at the bottom of the wall if you ever need to? Like a little door?
Julia, the outlet at the bottom only has the fireplace plugged into it, everything else is in the higher outlet. To get to our lower outlet, we’d have to remove the fireplace but you could easily add a little removable fake plank on the side to access that outlet if you’re handy!
we just did something similar and love it! just have to add the mantle. what color stain did you use on the mantle?
Sara, I use a prestain wood conditioner. Then I wipe on classic gray by minwax, wipe it off right away, then do the same thing with american walnut by rustoleum. It’s a combination I came up with years ago based on what I had on hand and now it’s on wood all over our house.
Excellent DIY, the paint on the shiplap is super catchy!!!
Did you use a brush or roller?
Duriel, both! We used a small roller to cover most of the front and sides so it was smooth and a small brush in the inner corner of the lip of the ship lap where one piece sits on top of the other.
I appreciate the quick reply!
Of course! Anytime!
Did you paint the boards first and then cut and assemble? Or did you assemble and then paint? Looks great, we are planning to build this soon.
We painted first, then cut ans assembled and touched up afterwards.
Do you have a link to step by step directions? I would love to do this
Diana, I don’t! I had no idea people would be so interested in recreating this, since we really built it to fit our space. I’ve linked to a few bloggers in my post who I think do a great job explaining how to build this. You can do it!
How did you guys mount your fireplace or did you just slide it in through the insert?? You guys did a great job!
Andrew, Thanks! The stainless rectangle surround mounts after the rest of the of the fireplace so it allows for you to secure the unit to the front of the opening. The directions on the amazon link for the fireplace make more sense than the way I’m describing. lol
Is that shiplap wood you guys used to finish with? What kind of trim? Love it
It is shiplap! We got it from Home Depot, it comes primed. The trim we used is called lattice trim.
Your project has been super helpful guiding us in ours, thank you! Do you remember the dimensions of the lattice trim? Is it PVC or wood? Thanks!!!
Danny, the lattice trim was just the standard pine lattice trim from Home Depot. It’s 1/4” by 1.5”. Here’s the link: https://www.homedepot.com/p/100321571
Do you know, if you put a cable box into the open box, would the remote still work even if the tv is behind the cable box? I’m wondering if the signal will be ok !
Elise, it depends. If your cable box uses an IR (infrared) remote then it wouldn’t work because it needs basically a direct line of sight to work. Our XBOX that we keep in there uses a RF (radio frequency) style remote so it doesn’t have to be visible for the remote to control it.
Can you show a picture of the open box behind the TV for the cable box and other electrical stuff? Please.
Sure! I’ll add a picture. We ran an outlet to one side and a cable line to the other side. In the pictures I have, the box has no top, but we added a top before starting the shiplap trim.
Question how did you mount your TV? Did you put the wall mount back up? Was it secure enough since it’s not directly on the wall in studs?
I love it!
When we were building the 2×4 frame we made sure there would be studs behind where the TV mount screws would sit so they are actually in studs. We bought the tv mount first and framed the 2×4’s accordingly.
So is the mount on the wall or on the fireplace? I love this, and I am planning on doing something similar. Do you have pictures of the tv mount? Thanks so much!
Heidi, the TV mount is on the fireplace, we made sure the framing behind the shiplap was set up so we would hit studs with our tv mount. It was just one we bought that day at Best Buy, I don’t have any photos of just it, but any would work, as long as you make sure it’s in studs; though I think the wood shiplap is probably strong enough to act like a stud on its own.
My husband and I are in love with this! Question though, how did you mount your floating shelf?? Also what color black is this
Oh yay!
It’s blackout by BEHR in flat/ matte.
For the mantel, we drilled a 2×4 straight into the fireplace and then secured the mantel to it with finishing nails.
How do you like the fireplace? Does it put out heat? Do you use the Bluetooth function? If so, in what way?
Lori, we love the fireplace. Aesthetically it’s been a wonderful addition to our living room. We keep it on almost all day – but only the lights, not the heat. Between it being at toddler height and Texas being so hot, we’ve only used the heat one or two times so I can’t really comment on it. The amazon listing of it has more reviews on the heat. I don’t use the Bluetooth, we have an amazon Alexa in the living room that has a much better speaker. The fact that it makes a bluetooth ready sound every time you turn on the fireplace is one of my least favorite things about it. If you’re not looking for amazing sound quality, and just want to hear some music, the fireplace gets the job done for sure.
Hi Adora, what fireplace did you use. I read it is from amazon but did not see the brand listed.
Thank you
Dennyne, there should be a link to it in the post. It’s the 50” AudioFlare by Touchstone. Thanks for reading!