Yesterday was the first official day of NTEN’s Non Profit Technology Conference (NTC). We woke up to full on snow and walked to breakfast and back in it, then we had a few classes that they call break out sessions later in the morning and afternoon. These classes are really what make our trip out here worth it. The session presenters have so much knowledge and passion about helping 501(c)3’s and then the discussion times that follow are an amazing time to hear what other people who do your job at other non profits are succeeding at, struggling with or looking for help about. In the evening, after dinner we went to what NTEN calls a Science Fair, which is basically a trade show. Talked to a company we are starting a data project with next week and I kept my eye out for other org’s that specialize in Drupal planning ahead for our next website redesign and platform switch that might start as early as 2014. Here are some pics from the day.
[…] of the Ikea hack coffee table update by The Feminist Mystique months ago and while I was away at NTEN; surprising me by doing the project. Here are some of the pictures he took along the […]