I told you here that one of the keys to success at being a one car couple is fixing up your bike… so here is how I fixed up my crappy $80 Walmart Beach Cruiser a.k.a. my main mode of transportation.

When I rolled my bike out of Walmart back in 2010, this is what it looked like. Sorry for the small picture…it’s very low res.

When I first got my bike I wanted the ‘cranbrook’ stickers off of them. These were the first things to go. This is where the stickers used to be.

My next addition (years ago) was a basket. This one was I think $15 or $20 at Walmart. Josh bought it for me back when we were dating. It’s big enough to hold my purse and maybe one or two other things. Great for small trips, not grocery shopping though.

This isn’t the original seat that came with the bike. I wore the original seat out and every time I would ride it little pieces of black would be stuck to my butt. So, when I became dependent on the bike, a new seat was in order. Picked this super big butt seat up at Walmart for $15

Stuff is getting serious. Added this rear rack so I could then add a big enough basket that I could grocery shop when I needed to. I ordered this off Amazon and it came with NO directions but my wonderful husband figured out how to get it on here like a champ.

I found this basket at HomeGoods for $15. I liked that it was metal so I could zip tie it to the rear rack. I haven’t towed much in it yet, so we will see how it holds up to full grocery weight.
I’m still considering repainting the whole thing or just the rack and basket. What do you think? Am I missing anything? How have you fixed up your ride?
p.s. all my iphone shots were made pretty by A Beautiful Mess‘ photo App.