Tag Archives: Candy Shop

NTC or Bust

Ridiculously early this morning, our whole web department left for our annual Non-profit Technology Conference which, this year, is in Minneapolis. So, we borrowed or thrift-ed winter clothes, which I’ve never owned before and we were on our way. We got into town pretty early and did a little exploring…here are some highlights.

At 5 in the morning there was a train just stopped on the tracks while we were trying to get to the airport... this is 20+ cars all backing up on a street trying to turn around

At 5 in the morning there was a train just stopped on the tracks while we were trying to get to the airport… this is 20+ cars all backing up on a street trying to turn around

We made it on to the plane at 6:30am and ready to go!

We made it on to the plane at 6:30am and ready to go!

View from the plane

View from the plane

Coffee and Kindle in the air

Coffee and Kindle in the air







starbucks in the airport

starbucks in the airport


coffee coffee coffee

coffee coffee coffee


no words

no words


winter clothes on and freezing in the cab

winter clothes on and freezing in the cab





i loved the paint on the side of this building

i loved the paint on the side of this building





used books

used books


basement of the bookshop

basement of the bookshop


City directory it's like this whole city is a mall

City directory it’s like this whole city is a mall


Part of huge wall timeline

Part of huge wall timeline


A super cute candy shop off of marquette st.

A super cute candy shop off of marquette st.


We all tried a chocolate covered potato chip...it was pretty good

We all tried a chocolate covered potato chip…it was pretty good


Blogging away back at the hotel. Conference starts tomorrow morning.

Blogging away back at the hotel. Conference starts tomorrow morning.
