I’ve decided it’s time to paint the patio furniture! Now, by “furniture” I mean the two black metal folding chairs that have always been around this apartment, I think they came from Target for $10 and the black metal folding table that my husband and I took off my in-laws front porch one day. [Sorry John & Patricia! It was Josh’s idea!] They weren’t using it, it’s all okay. before the table was painted
while i was painting the chairs now everything is painted and getting rained on daily (welcome to hurricane season in south Florida).
Not a flawless paint job, but I LOVE the colors, and I have new place for my lantern! [Thank God for spray paint] What do you think?
I wanted some candles out on the patio, but I had gotten some earlier and forgot that I lived in south Florida so they spent the entirety of the time they were out there in a liquid state. It wasn’t pretty. So when I spotted this oil lantern at Walmart for about $5 I went for it. But…I wanted it to be prettier. So this is how you go about making it that way:
Start with that sweet looking lantern right there
Get bored the night before you were going to do this project and spray paint the whole thing at 10pm. [after you remove the glass]
While the body of the lantern is drying take some acrylic craft paint in the same color of your lantern and water it down a ton. Then paint the outside of the glass piece. I ended up washing off this coat here, watering it down more and repainting.
Slightly yellow color. Why? I don’t know, but every vintage lantern I’ve seen has a coloring to the glass similar to the coloring of the lantern body. So might as well.
Pop that glass back in and make sure all the moving parts can still move. You’re done.
I can say with certainty that this is not a good project for someone who is a perfectionist. There are parts of my lantern that aren’t painted perfectly but I don’t mind, I actually prefer it that way. So, know that it won’t look flawless, but it will look amazing.
other option
Anyway, a few days after I finished the lantern IĀ got an email from Briana who was hanging out with me while I painted this lantern. She found this at Anthropolgie for $40. So, if you like the look but would prefer to spend 8 times as much, you can!
Meet my little Giraffes. These buddies have been sitting on both ends of the top of our entertainment center since Christmas. I had bought them to make them into weird bookends for a friends Christmas present, but I waited too long to start. So, in the grand tradition of gift giving, I bought that friend something impersonal, and unimpressive at the last minute.
So they sat, for a long time. One day in a cleaning rage I decided on top of the entertainment center was a better storage place than the corner of the dining room where most of my ‘crafty Christmas’ supplies had been piled high and left to die as I was out buying last minute gifts.
Giraffe Make Over
Well boredom and free time have collided and today, they are getting a makeover. I will take these boys from “Why do you have toy giraffes on top of your tv?” to “What are those creepy white statues? Is that a Giraffe?” so fast your head will spin! All with the help of my little friend spray paint. Now, the color was such a tough choice. I had both white and bright purple spray paint in my craft drawers and because I’m poor, spending $3 on a can of another color was simply out of the question…so I went with white.
Look at them now. Handsome little guys. Still so proud. A little less blatant about their origins of the Target Dollar Spot. I like them. Welcome home, gentlemen.
Welcome to my blog! My name is Adora. Here you'll see plenty of DIY projects, random videos, recipes, and fun little things from my life. I'm so glad you're here!
While some of my posts contain affiliate links; this blog would not be possible without the support of my husband Josh, and our beautiful baby boys, Jett & Jace!