Category: In My Life Right Now

Today is the Day!

Today’s the day! The time has come! Everything’s packed up and we are headed west! We decided at the last minute to have me drive our Scion XB rather than tow it since neither one of us have experience towing cars. We’re going to stop in Leesburg to see my family on our way out of Florida. I’ve also decided to try and let my cats have free reign in the car instead of keeping them in a cage. They have food, a bed, and a litter box. I’ll let y’all know later what a bad idea that turned out to be.

Anyway, that’s all for now! Watch out Texas, we’re coming for ya!


Goodbyes and See you Laters

Today is my last day in the main office of my wonderful organization. They’re so awesome, that they’ve agreed to let me work remotely so I can keep working for the causes I’m passionate about (ending poverty world wide). All of Technology Services (a.k.a. the tech nerds) went out to lunch to wish me a final farewell for now. Goodbyes are hard, even when you know you’ll see them all again, but the time has come. Tomorrow morning Josh and I are leaving with the u-haul he’s packing while I sit around having lunch with my coworkers.


The last 5 months…


I have the best husband who agreed to be away from me for 4 months to acquire a new skill-set that he could build a career around, giving us a brighter future.

I have the best parents who gave us a huge, ($9k) no interest loan in order to make the whole thing happen.

I have the best cousin who volunteered to give my husband a home on the other side of the country while he was busy learning.

I have the best friend who drove me around, fed me most meals, and gave up her privacy so I could have a place to stay too while Josh was gone.

I have the best bosses who worked together to get me an independent mode of transportation (for free) while Josh was away.

I have the best in-laws who took us in when Josh came back with no idea how long we would need to stay.

I have the best company who has amazingly let me stay part of the team and work remotely as I move away to a new city.

I have the best God, who put all these things together in an insanely short period of time. He is doing great things – and I have faith that He will keep doing them.

Bring on the new! I know it will work out, because EVERYTHING already has.

All that to say, my husband has gotten a full time developer position and we are moving to Austin Texas this week!!!

More to come with a new apartment, city, group of friends, and stage in our life!


P.S. Thank you to my beautiful friend, Lauren who encouraged me so much out of the blue that I vowed to get back on here and get back to crafting, cooking, and recording my crazy life. Thank you, Lauren! I can’t wait to meet you in person.

Hello Seattle

So, I bit the bullet and bought a plane ticket. After six long weeks – I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to go see my husband! So I went to work and hopped on a Thursday night flight to Seattle (by way of Arizona so it was a long travel day).
It was so good. It was so fun. If we end up living there I don’t think I’ll mind! Here is a list of some of the things we got to see and do!

-Pikes Market
-First Starbucks Ever
-Fish throwers
-Seattle Art Museum
-Eachother 😉
-Museum of Flight
-Food Food Food Delicious New Foods
-Gum Wall
-Reading at Starbucks (our favorite thing to do)
-I got to buy a jacket (I didn’t own one)

All in all, it was pretty magical! Where have you gone lately? Have you ever been to Seattle?

In my life lately…

For those who don’t know… at the end of December (2013) Josh got accepted and took off (in our one car) to coding dojo in Seattle, WA. This was something that was presented to us at the last minute and really a dozen HUGE things fell into place that enabled him to go. He also made great time driving across the whole U.S.A.

Our lease was up, so we threw most of our possessions into a storage unit and some friends agreed to take me and my two grumpy cats in with them for the three months he was gone, my sweet cousin who had just moved with her daughter into a bigger house in the Seattle area agreed to take in some stranger that she’d never met (just because he was my husband), one of the V.P.’s at my work heard I was going without a car and selflessly loaned me his daughter’s car (while she’s away for school), and lastly, my amazingly wonderful parents were able to loan us a majority of the cost for the training with a 0% interest loan the way that only parents can. Too many blessings to count! If any one of these things had fallen through, he may not have been able to go.

So, a month ago Josh started a 12 week course intensive learning a ton of things I understand (like web design) and a bunch more that I don’t understand. This is real turning point for him, the door to a whole new career field he hadn’t even considered. Naturally, he took to it like a fish to water and every time we talk he tells me (excitedly) about some new thing he knows how to make and tie into databases and so on and so forth.

I’m so proud of my man; he’s working really hard, learning so much, and going above and beyond with the goal of a more financially stable job that will really enable us to start our little family. I’m so thankful for Briana who has literally sacrificed her room and privacy in order house a poor vagabond like me. I so appreciate all the love and support that’s come my way during this time, that it pains me to say, I have to say…I can’t wait for it to be over.

I couldn’t take it anymore so I am flying out to Seattle the day before Valentines to lay one on my hubs. I just get to stay for the weekend, but I’M SO EXCITED!!!

Anyway, for better or worse, this whole thing is a big part of why I haven’t been posting much lately. Give me a 6 more weeks. Then, who knows, maybe I’ll be telling you all about more big changes on the horizon.



20140101-014610.jpgSo, I’m laying in bed making my list of resolutions, and if you’re reading this…you’re basically apart of one of mine. I’ve taken the last month or so off of blogging – gave myself a vacation from feeling like I just have to get a blog post up today or I’ve failed. However, this new year is beginning and I want to come back. I am resolving to start posting again and keep at it. I hope you’ll join me! Happy 2014!

P.S. I hope you enjoy the photo of Josh and I ringing in the new year via FaceTime. I’ll explain that later.

thor thor thor thor thooooor

So, I went and saw Thor with my husband because I’m the best wife ever and I keep it a closely guarded secret that I actually like dude movies (shhh). Anyway, yes it was amazingly well done and had a good amount of love story sprinkled in with all the fighting and war. I walked away from that movie thinking two things: the first is that Thor’s muscles could only form on an alien life-force and the second was that I am seriously lacking in my hand-to-hand combat/sword fighting skills. the women in this movie are amazing!

Not entirely sure how to step that up, something to think about.

letters in the mail

She probably didn’t even think it was any big deal. It probably took three minutes to write (read: draw). I know it took forty-five cents to send, and it COMPLETELY made my day.
I was having the worst day ever, like walk 2 miles in the hot rain (only in Florida) – don’t ask. Anyway, I finally got home, checked the mail and found this wonderful treat! Thank you sweet Linds for sending me this wonderful letter!

I implore you my friends, take a minute and send someone a card or a letter. It will make their day!