Tag Archives: Baked Apples

Pork Stuffed Baked Apples

According to Instagram, I made these bad boys about 45 weeks ago and I’m just now getting around to blogging about them. So much fail. This delicious idea is worth sharing though, so let’s begin.


1. Make some stove top stuffing as directed and set aside.
2. Over medium heat sauté chopped celery, apple, and red onion until slight softened.
3. Brown ground pork with some honey, cinnamon, Rosemary, and whatever else strikes your pork-fancy.
4. Combine the pork, the sautéd onion mix, and the stove top stuffing and mix them well.
5. Figure out a way to hollow out apples. (there’s no really easy way to go about this. I cut the tops off and tried to use a knife, then a melon baller, then a spoon. The melon baller is your best bet.)
6. Stuff the hollowed out apples with the pork mix and add them to a glass baking dish with a bit of water at the bottom of it.
7. Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes and enjoy! They tasted like Christmas, and I wasn’t mad about it.
