Tag Archives: Fail

the blog posts you never see

It’s easy to think that all the lifestyle bloggers online have it all together. All their crafts turn out perfectly, and they never seem to run out of new recipes and ideas. You only see their photoshopped and polished finished product and when you contrast it against your sink full of dirty dishes, it can be discouraging. So, I just wanted make sure you all know: half of the time I’m stacking dirty dishes to get them out of the picture I’m taking. Occasionally, like today, the dish I set out to make turns out to be HORRIBLE. I was attempting Eggs in Purgatory for the first time, and cooked it for too long, so I ended up with hard boiled eggs sitting in tomato sauce. Not good. But I learned to not do that again, Josh, like a champ, ate it anyway, and I got inspired to write this post. Stay positive, keep on trying, and be encouraged this new year. Here’s to all the things we’ll learn from mistakes we make in 2015!
