Tag Archives: New Mexico

Let’s be cave people

“The mystery is what prompted men to leave caves, to come out of the womb of nature.” – Stephen Gardiner

Josh and I spent the weekend 900 feet underground in Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. It was last minute road trip and I’m so glad we went. You should make a point to see all the natural wonders in the U.S. (and the whole world if you can swing it). It was all so beautiful and made me feel as small as the ocean normally does. Plus, as with most National Parks, it’s SO CHEAP! We paid $10 each to hike down into this cave that goes on for miles. The New Mexico desert was pretty bright & hot, but it’s always cold & dark down in the caves. The Park Rangers seem to really enjoy working there and will pull you aside to show you cool things you might have missed, we had one shine her flashlight on a hidden (but huge) clump of Crystals that had formed under part of a cliff! There are some ‘rooms’ where the ceiling is like 90′ high and one bottomless pit. I highly recommend checking it out.
