Tag Archives: The First Husband

The First Husband [100 word book review]

The First Husband: A Novel by Laura Dave

My 32nd book of the year, The First Husband, is the first Laura Dave book I’ve read but it certainly will not be the last. Our narrator (main character) has this amazingly relatable insight and perspective. There’s a big event  in the first chapter and the book keeps up that pace. Though there was a point where I yelled at Josh that this book was too much like real life, because I didn’t think that Annie (main character) going to have a happy ending.  The ending however, did not let me down, and I think you all would enjoy this story.

I really did love this book. I know I’m into a book when I complain to Josh about it the same way I would complain if something was going wrong in my own life. God Bless that man he listens to me as if any of matters.

If you read this one, come back and tell me what you thought.