I hope you got to eat some hotdogs and stay in bed reading all day like I did! It’s cloudy and rainy here in Austin – my absolute favorite weather.

I hope you got to eat some hotdogs and stay in bed reading all day like I did! It’s cloudy and rainy here in Austin – my absolute favorite weather.
1. Start with the basket itself. Make it a multiple meaning Easter basket. (A plant pot for the gardener, a mixing bowl for the baker, a helmet for the jock)
2. Chocolate candy (in the shape of a bunny, a cross, an egg, etc.)
3. Non-chocolate candy (I highly recommend starburst jelly beans or sweet tarts)
4. A fun little toy (water gun, play dough, whistle)
5. eggs eggs eggs (this is where you stuff the candy)
6. Green green fake grass (or green tissue paper)
7. A favorite DVD (think of the $5 bin at Walmart)
8. A pair of Easter themed panties or socks
9. An additional mini chocolate (say a yummy hello to mini snickers or butterfingers)
10. A funny shaped (over sized) Easter egg like a Darth Vader head.
All too often I get swept up in my daily grind (wake up-drive-work- work-work-drive-eat-sleep-beep-bop-boop-I am a task robot) and forget that I get to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
The other night my intuitive husband decided I needed a little break. After picking me up from work we went for a drink and then to the beach (a whopping 2 mile drive from my office). I was in a floor length skirt and heels, but he insisted and I gave in.
We just walked around a little bit, the city of Pompano Beach just recently redid the whole beach-walk area and it’s beautiful. Josh, the lifelong Florida boy was in his element waist high in the ocean.
It was a fun, low key night, and some random tourists wanted to take our picture…so we’re in some random family’s vacation slide show somewhere. Ha! Enjoy the pictures!
This is how we did the fourth of July up right. Crappy iPhone shots of an impromptu party that didn’t get planned until half way through the day!
grill master
food food food
they like it
pretty guests [miranda]
lyric spinning on the little stool
fireworks time
ready to light
smoke bombs
bomb pops
I hope you all had a great holiday!
Really, it’s the only sensible thing to do. This is how I do it.
Peel 6-7 apples old school style with a knife. You can use a peeler I guess, but this way makes you feel like you’re channeling every old awesome grandma that has ever baked an apple pie, so do it this way.
Slice then dice the apples and put them all in a bowl
Mix 3/4 cup brown sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon with 1/4 all purpose flour and little lemon juice.
Pour a little more than half of this mixture over the diced apples and mix the apples (with your hands) to coat them.
Add the rest of the dry mix to the bottom of the pie crust (I use pre-made frozen crusts because I’m lazy and impatient.
pile high
Add the apples to the pie crust
stars and stripes, if you please
it’s like captain america became a pie
Cut your top pie crust in an american shape and add it to the pie.
ready to bake
Brush the crust with melted butter and rub on some more cinnamon.
maybe 45 minutes is a little too long
Then bake at 450 for 45 minutes and let sit for 20 minutes outside the oven. Maybe just stick to the lattice look, the flag didn’t turn out very well, but taste is all that matters…and it tastes like freedom.
Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy your holiday!
Happy 4th of July from Me, Josh, Prim, Boba and this cute new pillow I just picked up from Ross for $6.
Have fun being free today, y’all!