Category: Our Home

The office continues

Well, the office/sitting room is coming alone nicely. I have all the furniture I think I’m going to get, but not a whole lot on the walls just yet. Still, I thought I would show you all what’s going where and where those things came from.

img_6047^ChairSide TableDIY PillowOttoman/PoufPlexiglass Sign^

FullSizeRender^Better Shot of the Plexiglass Sign and my cute cat^
img_6049^TV StandSimilar BasketsSimilar TVDrawer Pulls^
img_6048^DeskChairDrawer Pulls^

That’s all for now. I’ll update y’all when I add more to the walls. So far, I’m loving it and I hope you are too.


A nice little office 


The long term plan for the 4th bedroom in our new house is for it to be a nursery, but only God knows when that will actually be needed. So, for now, I’m making myself a nice little office and sitting room with a my little old TV and a whole lot of cuteness. I’m trying to pick some affordable pieces of furniture that in the future could be used in a nursery so I don’t end up having to replace everything. Here’s a shot of some cute stuff on my desk. I’ll show y’all more as it develops. Yay for rooms to decorate!


we moooooooooooved (again)

For two people who claim to hate moving, Josh and I sure do seem to do it a WHOLE lot. This move is mostly my fault though. I found a part of old downtown Austin that I fell in love love love with and begged Josh to move us there. He did. He’s great like that. So the Statehouse on South Congress is our new casa and I’m so happy with it. We’re in walking distance of our favorite places, so I’m actually getting out of the house regularly now. Anyway, the place is a mess and we’re drowning in boxes, so pictures will come later. Here’s one of the dining room to tide you over.

Until next time, I’m off to decorate and organize!

Meal plans: save your sanity

20140706-084445-31485513.jpgI cannot say enough how much easier grocery shopping is with a meal plan. No matter how varied or experiential your dinners might be, having what you’re planning on making written down – cuts your grocery list making time in half. You go through each dinner, figure out what you already have on hand to make it & then add what you don’t have to the list. This saves you numerous mid-week trips to the store to get that one item you just don’t have on hand. Add some cereals, milk, coffee creamer and sandwich supplies to the list as well – and you’re good to go shopping.

It’s how I do things anyway, and it’s much easier for me this way. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.


Apartment Patio Improvements

I’ve decided it’s time to paint the patio furniture! Now, by “furniture” I mean the two black metal folding chairs that have always been around this apartment, I think they came from Target for $10 and the black metal folding table that my husband and I took off my in-laws front porch one day. [Sorry John & Patricia! It was Josh’s idea!] They weren’t using it, it’s all okay.
photo 2 before the table was painted

photo 1 while i was painting the chairs
allnow everything is painted and getting rained on daily (welcome to hurricane season in south Florida).

Not a flawless paint job, but I LOVE the colors, and I have new place for my lantern! [Thank God for spray paint] What do you think?


the worlds dumbest craft

old stickers and ugly box

old stickers and ugly box

I have no idea why, but I hate the look of match boxes. But I only use matches, I never use lighters. So near every candle in my house is an ugly matchbox. I think they probably sell pretty ones now-a-days, but those don’t come in a 10 pack at publix, so they’re not on my radar. Anyway, I was glaring at the match box the other day, and had stumbled across some J and A stickers I bought from the Target dollar spot years ago.



So I put the stickers on the matchbox.



There you have it, worlds dumbest and easiest and quickest craft. Say what you will, but I don’t mind this guy sitting on my coffee table.

You may now mock me.

Helpful Husband

and he looks good doing it too...mmm mmm mmm

and he looks good doing it too…mmm mmm mmm

It’s not a secret that in our home, I’m the more neurotic cleaner. Our schedules are so busy that occasionally I’ll get home after a long day and realize that house hasn’t had anyone attend to it in a few days, have a major freak out, clean for hours, and go to bed grumpy – but sated. I love Josh, but he just doesn’t look at our house the way I do.

Similarly to the way men and women differ in how they view their bodies, Josh sees what’s good, I see what’s wrong. He sees the organized living room, I see the mountain of laundry piling up that may avalanche onto us in the middle of the night. Anyway, we’re different.

The other week I was kind of having a rough go of it and when Josh brought me home [after picking me up from work at 6] I was stunned. The man c-l-e-a-n-e-d our kitchen. [I immediately cooked a big meal – I LOVE cooking in a clean kitchen] He also started a few loads of laundry, finally threw out the broken lamp that had been sitting in our hallway for literally weeks, and scooped the kitty litter! No special reason, he just wanted to do more around the house.

He’s amazing. I feel so loved. How does your spouse make you feel loved?

Free Download: Antique Map

In my old apartment I had an antique map of Auckland hanging in four 8×10 frames. I found the large image on the inter-nets, grabbed it, cut it into four 8×10 pieces and printed it on regular computer paper. It was a low cost art option, but oddly enough became my favorite piece in the room. So anyway, I want to share this with all of you, in case you’ve got a blank wall that you’re looking to fill. Just grab four 8×10 frames and slap these bad boys in there.

This is what it will basically look like when it's hung, making your wall look all snazzy!

This is what it will basically look like when it’s hung, making your wall look all snazzy. See below for the downloads.

Here are the four downloadable pictures, click on each of the four sections listed for each 8×10 image, then just right click and save the pictures. Then frame or pin up on the wall: Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right.

Hope you like it!

the DIY that turned in an Anthro hack

I wanted some candles out on the patio, but I had gotten some earlier and forgot that I lived in south Florida so they spent the entirety of the time they were out there in a liquid state. It wasn’t pretty. So when I spotted this oil lantern at Walmart for about $5 I went for it. But…I wanted it to be prettier. So this is how you go about making it that way:

Start with that sweet looking lantern right there

Start with that sweet looking lantern right there

Get bored the night before you were going to do this project and spray paint the whole thing at 10pm. [after you remove the glass]

Get bored the night before you were going to do this project and spray paint the whole thing at 10pm. [after you remove the glass]

While the body of the lantern is drying take some acrylic craft paint in the same color of your lantern and water it down a ton. Then paint the outside of the glass piece. I ended up washing off this coat here, watering it down more and repainting.

While the body of the lantern is drying take some acrylic craft paint in the same color of your lantern and water it down a ton. Then paint the outside of the glass piece. I ended up washing off this coat here, watering it down more and repainting.

Slightly yellow color. Why? I don't know, but every vintage lantern I've seen has a coloring to the glass similar to the coloring of the lantern body. So might as well.

Slightly yellow color. Why? I don’t know, but every vintage lantern I’ve seen has a coloring to the glass similar to the coloring of the lantern body. So might as well.

Pop that glass back in and make sure all the moving parts can still move. You're done.

Pop that glass back in and make sure all the moving parts can still move. You’re done.

I can say with certainty that this is not a good project for someone who is a perfectionist. There are parts of my lantern that aren’t painted perfectly but I don’t mind, I actually prefer it that way. So, know that it won’t look flawless, but it will look amazing.

other option

Anyway, a few days after I finished the lantern I got an email from Briana who was hanging out with me while I painted this lantern. She found this at Anthropolgie for $40. So, if you like the look but would prefer to spend 8 times as much, you can!

What are you painting?