Tag Archives: Video

Josh sings musicals: episode two

I’ve told you that Josh likes to sing HIS lyrics to well known musical songs all the time. It’s just too funny to not share. He’s always very earnest and usually feels he’s singing the right words. This time, it’s RENT.

He’ll keep going if I occasionally sing the next line, like he did here.

Seeds for Smiles

On Tuesday morning at work I had an idea…while I was on the toilet, but that’s not the point. We had just started this new campaign that is actually kind of brilliant. We had a bunch of seeds donated that we can ship for about $5 per set to our projects so people living in poverty can start their own robust and varied fruit and vegetable garden. We were all so excited about this campaign, but because all campaigns that have a video to go along with it do about 1,000,000,000 times better than campaigns that don’t, I was trying to figure out how to make a video about gardens in the third world while garden-less in south Florida, USA.

I came up with what I thought was a short video we could make in office, but it was all dependent on being able to find video clips on our servers where there are hundreds of random clips, most of them unusable, that our project officers have brought back from their trips. God is so good though. I found every clip I thought I needed in an hour and recorded the rest on my iPhone mounted to a tripod, we also found audio from a one of our projects of Zambian children singing. My amazing husband even brought my laptop to work on his lunch break so that I could make the video in iMovie before I left for my business trip. This is no way an amazing video, I am not even close to being a half way decent video editor, but I have seen time and time again short videos of our projects inspire people to give generously in a way nothing else can. Inspiring people to help people, that is my goal. So, without further ado. Oh, and go to www.crossinternational.org/seeds to learn more and give a garden.
