P.S. I will say though, it’s been nearly 100 degrees every day in Austin and some days these outings seriously drain me. LOL
P.S. I will say though, it’s been nearly 100 degrees every day in Austin and some days these outings seriously drain me. LOL
I think the whole world should know: last week after working so hard ALL day long, my husband came home and went to town on our apartment. After 9+ hours in the office, he swept and mopped the whole apartment, did several loads of dishes – leaving the whole kitchen spotless. He cleaned up the litter box situation that had gotten out of control and took out all the trash. He didn’t ask for help or complain that our apartment had gotten so dirty (like I would have). He just worked hard and thought nothing of it. I’m seriously the luckiest woman I know. I don’t know why on earth this man pursued me in the first place or how on earth he puts up with me now, but I’m so glad it’s worked out the way it has. Thank you God for sending Josh to me. He’s everything good.
Today, make sure you tell someone in your life how happy they make you & how much you love and appreciate them.
Today my lovey love love-boo boo bear-sweet baby angel dinosaur face turns 27. I’ve known him since we were both 21. It’s crazy how life can go by fast and slow at the same time. I’m so happy that I’m your wife, Josh. I love that we can drive each other COMPLETELY insane and laugh about it 5 minutes later. You’re my best friend, you’re my favorite man in the world and I’ll love you on every birthday you have until I’m not breathing. Thanks for always testing out ages for me for a few months so I know what to expect. You’re the best.
One thing is certain, here in Austin, there is no shortage of dive bars. I love it. So many little communities of beer connoisseurs, in their very own episode of cheers. I am also lucky enough that after a long day at the office, my husband still wants to hang out with me, and not just ‘the guys’ (who he will eventually have a very large local group of, I’m sure). So, the other night Josh picked me up after work, we drove around and found some bar, in a strip mall, that wasn’t very clearly named and just hung out. Had some drinks, deep fried foods, and awesome conversation.
I am a very very very lucky girl.
So, I bit the bullet and bought a plane ticket. After six long weeks – I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to go see my husband! So I went to work and hopped on a Thursday night flight to Seattle (by way of Arizona so it was a long travel day).
It was so good. It was so fun. If we end up living there I don’t think I’ll mind! Here is a list of some of the things we got to see and do!
-Pikes Market
-First Starbucks Ever
-Fish throwers
-Seattle Art Museum
-Eachother 😉
-Museum of Flight
-Food Food Food Delicious New Foods
-Gum Wall
-Reading at Starbucks (our favorite thing to do)
-I got to buy a jacket (I didn’t own one)
All in all, it was pretty magical! Where have you gone lately? Have you ever been to Seattle?
For those who don’t know… at the end of December (2013) Josh got accepted and took off (in our one car) to coding dojo in Seattle, WA. This was something that was presented to us at the last minute and really a dozen HUGE things fell into place that enabled him to go. He also made great time driving across the whole U.S.A.
Our lease was up, so we threw most of our possessions into a storage unit and some friends agreed to take me and my two grumpy cats in with them for the three months he was gone, my sweet cousin who had just moved with her daughter into a bigger house in the Seattle area agreed to take in some stranger that she’d never met (just because he was my husband), one of the V.P.’s at my work heard I was going without a car and selflessly loaned me his daughter’s car (while she’s away for school), and lastly, my amazingly wonderful parents were able to loan us a majority of the cost for the training with a 0% interest loan the way that only parents can. Too many blessings to count! If any one of these things had fallen through, he may not have been able to go.
So, a month ago Josh started a 12 week course intensive learning a ton of things I understand (like web design) and a bunch more that I don’t understand. This is real turning point for him, the door to a whole new career field he hadn’t even considered. Naturally, he took to it like a fish to water and every time we talk he tells me (excitedly) about some new thing he knows how to make and tie into databases and so on and so forth.
I’m so proud of my man; he’s working really hard, learning so much, and going above and beyond with the goal of a more financially stable job that will really enable us to start our little family. I’m so thankful for Briana who has literally sacrificed her room and privacy in order house a poor vagabond like me. I so appreciate all the love and support that’s come my way during this time, that it pains me to say, I have to say…I can’t wait for it to be over.
I couldn’t take it anymore so I am flying out to Seattle the day before Valentines to lay one on my hubs. I just get to stay for the weekend, but I’M SO EXCITED!!!
Anyway, for better or worse, this whole thing is a big part of why I haven’t been posting much lately. Give me a 6 more weeks. Then, who knows, maybe I’ll be telling you all about more big changes on the horizon.
Valentines is coming up and I’ve been in the poor-girl-style process of photoshopping cards for the hubs. I’m really digging this one, so I wanted to share it all with you. In fact, you can click here to get the text layer of this card in a .png. You can take it into photoshop and drop your man’s picture behind the text and print a 5″x7″ photo… if this sentiment is also true for you like it is for me.
Are you crafting for Valentines? What are you making?
Anyway, I’m excited because it’s been awhile since I’ve seen Josh all dressed up and let me tell you that boy cleans.theheck.up. So pumped to see him in a suit. Oh, and Josh, if you’re reading this, FYI…you’re wearing a suit.
Anyway, all this to say that I have this board on Pinterest where I just pin clothes I will some day make Josh wear, some I’ve already made him wear (see photo on the right). I highly reccommend you make a similar board.
All too often I get swept up in my daily grind (wake up-drive-work- work-work-drive-eat-sleep-beep-bop-boop-I am a task robot) and forget that I get to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
The other night my intuitive husband decided I needed a little break. After picking me up from work we went for a drink and then to the beach (a whopping 2 mile drive from my office). I was in a floor length skirt and heels, but he insisted and I gave in.
We just walked around a little bit, the city of Pompano Beach just recently redid the whole beach-walk area and it’s beautiful. Josh, the lifelong Florida boy was in his element waist high in the ocean.
It was a fun, low key night, and some random tourists wanted to take our picture…so we’re in some random family’s vacation slide show somewhere. Ha! Enjoy the pictures!
Husbands of the world,
Do this. Bring your wife coffee in bed.
It will make her love you more. Now play this and have a great day!